銳變中的 #觀塘 (我的 #官塘印象 #pic )



Kwun Tong was the achievement of my high school, at that time the Kwun Tong lively and thriving, many people without irritable

Community Redevelopment of Kwun Tong, the entire redevelopment plan will affect more than 1,600 titles, Kwun Tong, residents of about 4,600 people, covers an area of ​​5.3 hectares, is part of the Kowloon East geographical center of strategic positioning. Development plans must be 12 years will be divided into five. Once rebuilt, Yue Man Square area will become the center of the highest rates in Hong Kong green and stocked with 170,000 square feet of land, retain the existing street stalls and markets specialty. Town Centre Plaza also features a waterfall and glass staircases style oval community center, with a high of more than 270 meters of Grade A office, becoming one of the landmark buildings in Kowloon East, is expected to be 2013 to 2021 in phases.


當香港政府定下了重建觀塘區的計劃,觀塘區已經消失了 ..... 昔日很多繁盛的店舖,街道,都變得冷清.如果我們現在還不保留這些影像,過多幾年想再看一眼都沒法子。整個重建計劃需時二十年,完成後,只會變成外表時尚但內裏却千篇一侓的店舖和商場,及相對現代化的商業大樓,從前種種的人與情,肯定不會復見.
When the Hong Kong government set a plan to redevelop the Kwun Tong, Kwun Tong has disappeared ..... prosperous past many shops, streets, have become deserted and if we do not keep these images, too many years of thought look at an all helped. The entire redevelopment plan will take two years after completion, it will only become fashionable but it actually looks a thousand articles 侓 shops and malls, and relatively modern commercial building, formerly a variety of people with feelings, certainly not longer see.




莫名地喜愛看電影,也許深種於小時候,假日母親常帶我看早場的原故吧,那些電影除了Sound of Music「歡樂飄飄處處聞」或是奇連伊士活的「獨行俠」之外,就沒什麼印象,那時生活並不容易,滿是艱難歳月,是獅子山下零豪宅的年代,模糊的記憶中,是我儍不知愁知味吧,那麼多年生活愁苦的琢磨剩下來仍有這些戲院美好的回憶,幸甚!



Some writing about HDR sorted from Facebook:
FatFat Chen: HDR ?
April 5 at 1:37am · Like

Eden Man Chi: Fai Fat,不,我討厭用HDR,我喜歡用light and shadow改善過強的反差。 I hate to use HDR, I like to use light and shadow to improve the contrast is too strong.
April 5 at 8:28am · Like · 3

FatFat Chen: 對, 看起來比較自然舒服. Right, looks more natural and comfortable.
April 5 at 10:11am · Like

Eden Man Chi Fai: Fat, 確實點說,我是討厭那些非以攝影為依歸的HDR影像。解釋一下:事實HDR軟件的出現真的能幫攝影師既有效又準確去解決拍攝當下環境的光暗對比過度太大的問題(位置的準確性當然較漸變濾光鏡好)。但大前題是操作應用軟件的人一定要有識見;即對大自然及周遭環境的客觀與真實光影和色彩的變化有深刻的認知及理解,其次是有駕御好軟件的能力。 然而今日標榜科技,推崇即食,講求高效率的世代;藝術也被一視同人;在這後現代的攝影生態下到處都是擁有三數年攝影經驗的便稱達人(我不排除當中真有天才)。 說回HDR,很多人(如前述)都愛用或只能用自動形式或半自動推桿選擇式的方法,故效果都是數碼化影像pixel數值的運算使其相近而導致扁平,味同嚼臘,了無生氣!當然在非大眾的專業攝影圏子裏有不少善用HDR高手的。
April 5 at 2:24pm · Edited · Like · 4
Indeed point to say, I hate those non-HDR image in mind of photography. Explain: the emergence of facts HDR software really help photographers both effective and accurate shooting to solve the contrast in the current environment over much of a problem (of course, the accuracy of the location is good compared with the gradient filter). But the premise is the person operating the application software must have knowledge and experience; that objective truth and light and color changes of nature and the surrounding environment has a profound knowledge and understanding, followed by the ability of controlling the good software. However advertised today technology, respected instant, emphasizes efficient generation; Art is also a deemed person; in this postmodern photography Ecology everywhere have a few years of photographic experience, so he called up people (I do not rule out the true genius) . Coming back to HDR, a lot of people (as described above) or can only be used with love in the form of automatic or semi-automatic pusher selective approach, so the effect is the operation of digital image pixel values ​​caused so close flat taste with chewing wax, lifeless! course in a non-public, there are many professional photographers use HDR rings of the yard master.

FatFat Chen: 同意,大部份人都只會用HDR的誇張效果,而忽略HDR的原意。即使運用誇張效果,在軟件的使用上仍然很多遺漏地方。HDR也不一定是所有場合適用,要視乎作者要表現甚麼,濫用只會適得其反。
April 5 at 10:39am · Unlike · 2
Agree, most people are only exaggerated the effect of HDR, HDR and ignore the original intent. Even the use of exaggerated effect on the use of the software is still a lot of omissions places. HDR is not necessarily applicable to all situations, depending on what you want to show the author, the abuse would be counterproductive.

Eden Man Chi Fai: FAT說得正是,
April 5 at 11:04am · Like

Pong Lai: 現在網絡上有很多"攝影達人"以執相自豪,而當中的HDR更比推祟為拍攝失手的靈丹妙藥,漸漸更進化到把執相的穿崩位視為一種叫"HDR風格"的技術,邊緣位出現光邊、光暗位置不自然及高雜訊等...出來的效果總是爛溶溶般,絕不自然,但這些相片反而在網上被稱為大師級作品,實在不是一種好風氣!
April 5 at 10:38pm · Unlike · 1
Now the network has a lot of "Photography of people" to perform with pride, but among the more than Tuisui shooting HDR missed panacea, more evolved gradually into the hole in the execution phase as a bit called "HDR style" technology, the effect of the edge position appears Eaves, unnatural position and high brightness noise, etc. ... it is always like rotten Rongrong, never natural, but instead these photos on the Internet is known masterpieces, it is not a good atmosphere!

FatFat Chen: 是的,很多人連HDR的光邊也未攪掂,就稱為大師作品。……
April 5 at 10:46pm · Unlike · 2
Now is, many people even HDR light side nor stir weigh, called masterpieces.

Pong Lai: 當然,如果在拍攝時曝光準確,又把HDR使用得宜,的確是可另成張相生色不少的! Of course, if accurate exposure while shooting, HDR again used appropriately, can indeed separate sheets with chromophore lot!
April 5 at 10:49pm · Unlike · 1

FatFat Chen: HDR 是很有用的工具,但要用得其所,而不是千遍一律的誇張手法。
April 5 at 10:53pm · Unlike · 2
HDR is a very useful tool, but used properly, not a thousand times hyperbole.

Pong Lai: 不過如果真是要大執的話,我自己都是覺得先影三張包圍曝光,再用layer mask來做,效果比HDR自然得多! But if you really want to execute large, then I think all three bracketed first film, and then layer mask to do, the effect is much more natural than the HDR!
April 5 at 10:54pm · Unlike · 1

Eden Man Chi Fai: Pong,我讚成。I agree!
April 6 at 12:05am · Like

Eden Man Chi Fai: Pong,你道出了今日香港大眾攝影文化的怪現象,這些集非成是的影像,不斷地在網絡攝影界被吹噓、在渲染,甚至被追捧,而成為主流,真令人哭笑不得!
Not you today revealed the strange phenomenon of Hong Kong Popular Photography culture, these are the images into a set of non constantly touted photography in the network, rendering, and even sought after, and become mainstream, really dumbfounding!
~~~Facebook end ~~~

Let's today's sun light to witness the sun of tomorrow!*




夜的本色是昏暗迷離,予人不真實的感覺,正因為這如夢似真的模糊感令人愛不惜手,而夜攝是不少攝影愛好者的心頭好,已忘了是那些年,曾幫上中國攝影大亨(高嶺梅)的兒子Winston Kao棒著部4X5機到港島半山梅道的May Tower 用Kodak Ektachrome 64拍攝「香江夜景煙花」幻燈片。還記得是要在日落前先曝光一次「暗紅落日」的影像,之後在magic hour 時份又紀錄一次「深寳石的藍天和山巒剪影」,其後等到華燈初上又曝一次「萬家燈火」,再到放煙花時又再曝一次「煙火效果」,總的來説是要一張幻燈片分開四次曝光,以營造出一張「日落維港綻放煙花」相,這張相後來用在某知名公司的掛曆上。那次的經驗除了令我知道多重分段曝光的處理方法之外,深深印在我心坎的還有:「1.攝影得好是須要有紮實的知識和經驗做根基,2.時間絶對是影响攝影的一個極重要元素」,曝光準確是一定的了,畫面的整體氣氛和內容以至所表達的意涵;全賴拍攝的時間掌握得凖確與否,所謂差之毫厘謬之千里(理想的日暮黃昏時間短促、而Magic hour亦不會等你,某些小節過亮或過暗都會破壞全局;後來更懂得查找日出日落時間表和太陽日照軌蹟,並準確預期知道日落的位置;)這些都驅往矣!在現今數碼年代攝影科技一日千里,攝影創作比菲林年代容易多了,還可加上無敵軟件作後製,理應大幅提升攝影影像的質素和文化,概括目下:拍攝題材及形式比從前是多樣化和大膽化了,相機在拍攝速度功能上也有重大的建豎;除了少數默默耕耘的資優攝影人外,其餘所見的攝影影像大多是平庸得可以,何解攝影科技不斷進步;影像質素及內涵却在褪色?只要多濫拍自會進步?麻雀因為多like(註*)也可以變鳳凰?因為現實中網民的那股神力使然?是後現代的宿命?望賢者賜教,行文粗疏見諒!
~Dedicated to the lonely peoples~



